3. März 2015Problem Cybermobbing: Viele Eltern fühlen sich laut Kaspersky-Studie machtlos
2. März 2015Mobile Malware: Mehr als jeder vierte Nutzer ohne Sicherheitsbewusstsein
23. Februar 2015 Kaspersky Lab announced that it has achieved Parallels APS 2.0 certification for the Kaspersky APS Package, which enables it to provide two of Kaspersky Lab’s award-winning solutions, Kaspersky Internet Security – Multi-Device and Kaspersky Small...
29. Januar 2015 According to Kaspersky Lab the number of untrusted certificates used to sign malicious software doubled in the last year. By the end of 2014 the company’s antivirus database included more than 6,000 of these certificates. Considering the growing...
28. Januar 2015 According to the results of a study conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International, a DDoS attack on a company’s online resources might cause considerable losses – with average figures ranging from $52,000 to $444,000 depending on the size of the...
21. Januar 2015Eugene Kaspersky will address the most pressing issues facing cybersecurity during a panel session at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.
28. September 2014 According to a survey conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International in 2014, 53% of companies are willing to invest in software specifically designed to protect financial transactions, using either components installed in their own infrastructure...
24. September 2014Industrial and production businesses have security priorities that are drastically different from other businesses, and they value specific types of data far more than any other type of business.
23. September 2014Startups and very small businesses use mobile technology as much as enterprises, but have less money and expertise to manage them securely